Saturday, November 3, 2012

Pitch Perfect Movie Review-TheCrackedNation

Pitch Perfect Movie Review

Parent Guide: Rating PG-13. I recommend 15 and older.
Sex: Lots of References, lots of cleavage. 
Violence: None
Profanity: Quite a few PG-13 words, a hand full of "S" and "B" words.


What makes this movie a success isn't the acting or directing; what makes this movie a success is the extreme amount of fun it is to watch. Too many times movies try and be something they aren't, they try and over perform. Pitch Perfect knew exactly what type of movie it was and they didn't try anything more then they needed. Not very often can I watch a movie and not critique it, but while I watched Pitch I didn't feel like I should critique it. The only thing that I felt like critiquing was the singing, but not int he way I would critique most movies. I felt like critiquing the singing from the standpoint of a judge of a competition, focusing on the dancing as well as the singing. After every performance in the movie I felt like standing up and clapping. It was a feeling that I haven't felt in a long time. Is Pitch a musical? Not really. It's a movie about music and the majority of the movie is singing, but it's not a musical. In musicals the singing tells a story and the actors sing at weird times throughout the movie, but a movie like Pitch the singing is only done at times that make sense, during auditions, while performing and such. The singing was so good that I felt like singing along during the movie, especially because the singing is all a cappella and I love a cappella. It was obvious during the movie that the actors and actresses were not singing the songs, that they were all pre recorded and lip synced. And to tell you the truth it didn't bother me because there was no way they could make this movie while having the actors sing the songs live. The rhythms that they make in the film are great, a ton of the songs are remixed and sound great, actually I'm listening to the soundtrack as I write this. Other then having a ton of great singing, this movie was extremely funny. Rebel Wilson (Bridesmaids, The Bachelorette) delivered one of the funniest female performances that I have ever seen in my life. Every line was delivered with pitch perfect timing (see what I did there :). What happens in a lot of comedies is that the humor will start strong and then die off during the middle of the film, but in this movie the humor was consistent through the whole thing. Although most of the acting is just average and the story ins't very compelling, I found this film to be a great success. I recommend it to any person that enjoys good singing. If you don't find good singing enjoyable then you might not like this movie, but I don't know a single person that wouldn't like it to some extent. Don't expect too much and you will have an extremely enjoyable time at the theater. Please leave comments letting me know what you think.

Rating: I give Pitch Perfect a solid 7/10. No Oscars here, just a lot of fun.

I hope you enjoyed this review and thanks for reading,
                                                                                      Caleb Henry (TheCrackedNation)

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