Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Walking Dead TV series review

I recently watched The Walking Dead TV series, and to tell you the truth, I really liked it. Now I have to say that I'm not a zombie expert by any means, I love zombies and all, but I haven't really watched many zombie movies and I don't know much about the "lor" behind it. There are a couple reasons why I really liked this show; first off I really liked the acting. All of the acting in this show was pretty much great, none of the acting was weak or pore. I really enjoyed the performance by Norman Reedus (The Boondock Saints). Everyone of my friends that have seen this show say that Reedus is their favorite character, and he has the littlest screen time out of all the main characters. That was really my only big complaint in this show, even though him having such little screen time made him that much more awesome. Another little complaint I have was that there was way to much drama, and I know it's a drama TV show, but come on there is already enough of that in it. But those two things don't hold the show down that much, because there are plenty of zombies that still get there heads shot off and guts blown out! The zombies aren't your average slow, lame, and stupid zombie. No these guys will use everything they have to kill you, and they won't stop till you kill them. So I have to say that I was always at full attention while watching this show, and they aren't afraid to kill main characters off at any time. I hope this is insightful, and have a great day :)


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